Los Angeles, CA

Prepared hazardous material business plans (HMBPs) and risk management plans for three water district facilities located in Los Angeles County. A site reconnaissance was performed to identify and quantify all hazardous materials and hazardous waste stored at each site; developed facility, site and area maps; verified and updated emergency contacts, equipment and procedures; completed the HMBP forms, and submitted the HMBPs for each site electronically to the LACFD CUPA via CERS. Also prepared Program Level 2 Risk Management Plans for each facility due to the storage and use of chlorine gas above the threshold quantity that included the following:

  • Analysis and reporting of the worst-case release scenario and alternative release scenario,
  • Five-year accident history,
  • Ensured that response actions had been coordinated with local emergency planning and response agencies (e.g., site visits by first responders),
  • Hazard assessment, and
  • Completed the RMPs and submitted them for each Site electronically to the LACFD CUPA.


Power Generating Plant Compliance Support

Northern CA

Provided on-site environmental, health and safety (EH&S) staff support to two electricity generating power plants located in Northern California. The services included assistance with the following:

  • Compliance with Title V Major Source Air Permit conditions,
  • CA ARB and US EPA GHG Emissions calculations and reporting,
  • CalARP Risk Management Plan updates and implementation,
  • NPDES Industrial Storm Water Permit and SWPPP implementation,
  • Wastewater Discharge Permit sampling and reporting,
  • AST and SPCC Plan required inspections and reporting,
  • Preparation and submittal of annual hazardous materials business plan,
  • Management of solid waste, hazardous waste, universal waste and used oil,
  • Maintaining compliance with the existing Process Safety Management Plan, lock-out/tag-out, confined space, HazCom and other applicable safety programs.
  • Provided EH&S training,
  • Developed and implemented an Ash Management Plan, and
  • Management and reporting of EH&S tasks using the web-based ENVIANCE platform.